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Worcester Park Baptist Church

On Wednesday 6th December, Year 2 went to Worcester Park Baptist Church

The children all wrapped up warmly and walked from school to the church. They enjoyed seeing all the festive lights on their walk. The children participated in lots of different activities that the church had very kindly organised. The children made their own stars from sparkly pipe cleaners and beads which they took home with them to hang on their Christmas trees. Then they watched a video about God and what he created which led them to the start of the Christmas story. Children were given their own mini booklets where they were asked to draw pictures about what Christmas means to them and a wish that they had for Christmas time too. They then followed the star to the start of the Christmas Story. On their journey they met Mary who was making bread and they watched as she was visited by an Angel. They then travelled to meet a shepherd who was watching his sheep and a King who was deciding what gifts to bring for baby Jesus. They saw baby Jesus asleep in his manger and Joseph who was talking very quietly so not to wake the baby. They finished their Christmas story by looking at different symbols such as a cross and a stone and what they mean to Christians. The children really enjoyed the experience and excitedly talked about the Christmas journey and all they had seen and done when they came back to school.

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